What to see in Sorrento: A complete itinerary

Sorrento is one of the most popular places on the entire Sorrento Peninsula and has the strongest appeal for tourists. It is, after all, a historically, artistically and naturalistically important centre, although not everyone, especially those approaching it for the first time, would know how and what to visit once they get there.

For this reason we have decided to propose a short guide that will show you in a simple and exhaustive way what to see in Sorrento, trying not to forget anything and above all to suggest some places that are not exactly known and included in traditional tourist guides.

We recommend you also read our guide on how to get to Sorrento from Amalfi and vice versa: here you will find all the information you need to compose your travel itinerary, whether you travel by car, public transport or on two wheels!

What to see in Sorrento: the routes in the centre

Sorrento must be experienced, and there is no better way to do this than on foot, starting from the centre, accepting to lose oneself in a town full of history, life and nice people. Our walk through the centre of Sorrento can only start from Piazza Tasso, the main square, a fresh square that has contributed to redesigning the entire layout of the historic centre of Sorrento.

If you arrive early, it is the right time to have a coffee and enjoy this beautiful square.

Palazzo Correale and the Church 

Heading towards Via della Pietà we cross one of the oldest parts of the city, heading towards the Cathedral of Sorrento.

The route, however, is not just a transit: we will find ourselves in front of Palazzo Correale, one of the most beautiful examples of the medieval architecture in which Sorrento is rich. Immediately after, the church of Santa Maria della Pietà, followed by Palazzo Veniero. Definitely a good way to start our tour here in Sorrento!

The Cathedral and Corso Italia

Arriving at the end of Via della Pietà we can finally meet the Sorrento Cathedral, a significant example of Italian Baroque. After the visit, for those who wish, we can continue along Corso Italia, where many people go shopping. This is also the best and most conveniente way to reach Villa Fiorentino. In fact, it houses the Sorrento Foundation, where there is no shortage of exhibitions of international importance.

Getting lost in the alleyways for the true taste of Sorrento

Every holiday should be different, and every holiday should try to decline according to the specificities of the place that hosts us.

Sorrento should not be visited following a list of things to do or see; rather, we should let ourselves be embraced by the beauty that is not only in the large and important buildings, but at every corner, every shop, every palace.

The best way to be embraced?

To lose ourselves in the narrow streets, following what our hearts tell us, without a precise destination but letting beauty take us by the hand. It will be the activity you will remember most about Sorrento, the one that will make your heart beat even years after your holiday.

The Villa’s romantic walk

The Villa Comunale in Sorrento is perhaps one of the most romantic places in this beautiful town. It overlooks the Gulf and its benches could tell of millions of kisses and promises of love exchanged. In high season the romance is perhaps a little less, as it is literally taken by storm by tourists.

This is not to say, however, that it is not still one of the most beautiful places in Sorrento, and one that deserves a visit.

And the sea in Sorrento?

No, we have not forgotten about the sea. Sorrento is, of course, also the gulf, it is also the history of a fishing village and it is also home to beautiful beaches, such as few you will have seen in your life.

Our tour of the sea should ideally begin at Marina Grande. We first arrive at Piazza della Vittoria, then descend to Marina Grande, passing through the historic city gate, among other things.

What is Marina Grande? It is the historic village of the fishermen who lived in Sorrento. Today it has been somewhat renovated, hosting popular restaurants and bars. Our advice is to choose a couple if possible. The chance to eat Sorrento specialities by the sea alone would be worth the whole trip.

The beaches of Sorrento

Ready for a swim? Or maybe just for a walk by the sea. Choosing between the many beaches in Sorrento was not at all easy: for those with limited time to spend in Sorrento we have chosen a couple, leaving those who can spend more time in and around Sorrento the freedom to discover new ones, without necessarily being directed by a guide. Don’t miss the pleasure of discovery!

The baths of Queen Giovanna

Which Queen Joan are we talking about? Of Giavanna of Anjou, who loved this little natural paradise so much that, according to gossip, she even made it a meeting place for her young lovers. Historical gossip aside, thios place is definitely worth a visit: a natural arch leads to the cove, with a small lagoon completely separated from the sea. Simply splendid.

Meta di Sorrento

This is the longest beach in the entire area and can be reached by travelling a few kilometres from Sorrento. It is full of bathing establishments and also places where you can simply lie down without asking anyone. The ideal place for a swim and for sunbathing. Definitely one of the most beautiful places in the whole of Campania.


A place for the ‘natives’, if you want to put it that way. It is one of the most popular beaches in Sorrento, and there is probably a reason for that. Shallow sea bed, crystal-clear water, and the possibility of accessing the beach through a free area, in any case full of services. Puolo is a true and authentic beach and perhaps one of those less stormed by tourists.


A little outside Sorrento, but definitely worth it. You have to move south to reach a pebble beach surrounded by clear sea and warm waters. Around here, for those who wish to venture out, they also prepare the famous spaghetti alla Nerano. Absolutely to try if you think it is right to give your palate something extraordinary as well.

What to eat in Sorrento?

We have suggested you choose a few small restaurants in a strategic position, to seize the opportunity to enjoy a good lunch overlooking the sea.

But what to eat in Sorrento?

The city’s gastronomic culture obviously does not stop at the famous Gnocchi alla Sorrentina, the irresistible dish that, perhaps thanks to its simplicity, has become world famous.

Just think that in October 2021 an event was also dedicated to the famous dish, ‘Sorrento Gnocchi Day’, an event that involved restaurants and starred chefs, stimulating them to find new inspirations to celebrate the famous prebilabezza.

If you want to try something different, we recommend a nice plate of Spaghetti alla Nerano, dressed with fried courgettes, basil and a sprinkling of Provolone del Monaco, another typical local product.

For the main course, we recommend a portion of Sorrento style mussles. A richer and more substantial alternative is the Sorrento style squid, stuffed with eggs, breadcrumbs, mozzarerella, anchovies and the ever-present Provolone del Monaco.

If you’re in doubt about dessert, go for Delizia al limone or all the typical desserts of the Campania region, to be tasted, while you’re there, in the lemon cream varieties!