Maiori Almond Pastries: the original recipe from Amalfi Coast

Maiori Almond Pastries

The Amalfi Coast is not only a land of unique beauty but also of indescribable culinary delights. This divine region welcomes its visitors with enchanting landscapes and fantastic traditional dishes.

Among these, there’s undoubtedly the almond pastries has delighted many tourists in Maiori: a delicacy found in many parts of Italy, but the centuries-old tradition tying this dessert to this land makes it truly special.

In the Amalfi Coast, numerous pastry shops produce almond pastries. One, in particular, stands out—Pasticceria Trieste.

Along the main street of Maiori, you’ll find a workshop where time seems to have stopped decades ago. Here, production is still done by hand with artisanal products, and the unmistakable flavor of the Amalfi Lemon, the symbol of the entire Amalfi Coast. The so-called “sighs,” (“sospiri al limone”), a unique mix of the sea breeze and the scent of lemon groves.

The taste is hard to describe, reminiscent of traditional almond paste but with that extra touch that words cannot capture.

Maiori Almond Pastries, the original recipe

Almond pastries, in general, is a simple dessert at the base of pastry making. It’s one of the typical productions of the Amalfi Coast, especially in Maiori. The key to an excellent preparation lies in the quality of the ingredients. Careful selection of the few necessary items is crucial, as only 5 products are used.


🔹​ 500g of almonds
🔹​ 400g of sugar
🔹​ 2 eggs
🔹​ 2 tablespoons of honey
🔹​ 1 slice of Amalfi Coast lemon


Peel and clean the almonds, leaving only the inner and tastier part. Soak the almonds in water for about 10 minutes to easily remove the outer covering. In a mixer, combine almonds, sugar, and eggs, gradually adding water if the mixture is too solid, until you achieve a dense and homogeneous dough. Add a few drops of lemon or a small piece of the peel for flavor. Place the mixture on the table and knead it with your hands until it becomes slightly firmer. Let it rest in the fridge for 12 hours before use.

A simple dessert to make but with a unique flavor. 

The recipe described is the basic one, and with this mixture, you can create many specialties.

In many pastry shops, even on the Amalfi Coast, you’ll find this dessert with a base of sponge cake: tt’s one of the many possible variations, filled with lemon cream and covered with a sweet glaze. 

If you find yourself in the Divine Coast, the advice is to taste this unique delicacy.