Amalfi Coast boat tours: everything you need to know to spend a perfect day

Do you want to have an adventure with friends or a romantic day for two, and explore the Amalfi Coast by boat? In this article you will find all the information you need to organise your own boat tour of the Amalfi Coast, to discover its wildest, most secret and exclusive corners, accessible only by sea. You will be able to access the Coast’s exclusive beaches and visit suggestive caves, all while travelling by boat and enjoying the sun of the Coast in complete relaxation.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Discovering exclusive beaches and secret grottos on the Amalfi Coast from Maiori to Cetara

We have one certainty: if we say Amalfi Coast, the first two words that come to mind are ‘Summer’ and ‘Sea’.

If you are thinking of organising a boat tour, you are definitely a person who loves the sea.

In this regard, you will be interested in this fact: there are about one hundred beaches on the Amalfi Coast, but not all of them can be reached from the mainland.

There are, in fact, small secret inlets and exclusive beaches that offer more privacy and relaxation to anyone who wants to enjoy a day at the sea, far from the central beaches, which are certainly crowded and noisier, especially in high season.

Which are the most beautiful beaches you can reach with a boat tour on the Amalfi Coast?

Taking the town of Maiori as a hypothetical starting point, the first beach that comes to mind is definitely the “Dead Horse Beach”.

Once past Erchie, this is the first beach after four kilometres of coastline that can only be reached by sea in private boats.

On the way to this beach, we recommend stopping to admire the Grotta Pandora: a small natural cavity just a few minutes by boat from nearby Maiori.

This cave is not often counted among the beauties of the Coast, but it is definitely worth a stop: as you enter, you will be amazed by its limpid waters and you will take home the thrill of having discovered an almost secret beauty of our Coast!

Explore the beauty of the sea! Experience thrilling adventures along the Amalfi Coast. Book now

A secret beach for true lovers

If you are travelling with your other half, it is impossible not to recommend the Lovers’ Beach. It is only 170 metres from Cetara and is a beach just six metres long: it can accommodate a group of four or five people at most.

The general rule is that if a couple reaches it and occupies it, no one (or almost!) dares to go and disturb their privacy.

In short, if you find it free and want to experience the thrill of a beach all to yourself, take advantage of it.

Another beach we recommend you reach during the boat tour is Salicerchie Beach: it is also called Acqua Chiara (In English: crystal clear water) precisely because the water in this sheltered, deep bay is crystal clear.

Also from this beach it is possible to reach a small natural cavity: the Grotta Suffregna, where a stream of sulphurous-magnesium water flows from the bottom.

Discovering the beaches towards Amalfi and Conca with a gourmet stop

If you want a true Amalfi Coast experience, we recommend a day by boat with a stop at a restaurant by the sea: you will have the opportunity to experience the Amalfi Coast at 360 degrees, treating yourself to a day of pure sensory pleasure.

As good insiders, the first beaches we recommend are Le Sirene beach in Amalfi or the Duoglio beach: both are beaches with bathing facilities, so suitable for those who have decided to treat themselves to a day with all the comforts.

Another destination on your Amalfi Coast boat tour is the Santa Croce beach, where you can admire a large grotto where the remains of the chapel dedicated to the Holy Cross are still visible. Another option to combine the desire for the sea with that of good food is the Capo di Conca.

The restaurants you will find along this itinerary are mostly family-run: you will be able to savour authentic flavours and dishes prepared with the freshest and most selected ingredients.

Amalfi Coast boat tour to discover Positano: Emerald Grotto and Furore

If for your Amalfi Coast boat tour you have decided to proceed beyond Amalfi and discover the marvellous sights you will find along the coast, sailing towards Positano, we can only agree with you!

You will be immersed in this corner of rare coastal beauty, to visit the Emerald Grotto which will enchant you with its sparkling emerald waters, thanks to the play of light filtered through an underwater fissure that connects the grotto to the open sea. Immediately afterwards, you will be fascinated by another enchanting fjord on the coast: the Fjord of Furore. You can dive into its limpid waters and admire the very high bridge that serves as a springboard for champions from all over the world who come to dive in this paradisiacal corner.

Speaking of the Fiord of Furore, we have news for you: during the summer, access to boats is forbidden.

On the other hand, however, once you have admired the suggestive scenery of the Furore beach from the sea, you can reach another one: La Marinella, located about one kilometre after the Fiordo.

This beach is a real gem: not being very well known, it offers almost absolute privacy!

The beaches of Praiano and Positano

We also recommend, 270 metres from Gavitella beach, Le Praie beach, as one of the most beautiful: here you will find a crystal-clear sea and sheer cliffs framed by pine trees, not to mention the peace and tranquillity of a more hidden beach exposed to the sun until late afternoon.

The last beach we indicate is La Porta, where you will find peace and tranquillity despite its proximity to Positano, from which it can also be reached by the shuttle service that leaves from Marina Grande.

A curiosity about this beach: in the grotto that gives the beach its name, 120 metres above sea level, traces of human settlements dating back to the Mesolithic period have been found.

There are two other beaches that we recommend in Positano: “Scogli Piani beach” and Cavone beach.

These are the last two beaches that fall within the municipality of Positano and can only be reached by sea.

Discover the best water activities along the stunning Amalfi Coast

If you dare: Li Galli and Punta Campanella

When one speaks of Li Galli Island, one is actually talking about an archipelago composed of three islets: La Rotonda, Gallo Lungo, the largest of the three with a profile reminiscent of a dolphin, and La Castelluccia Island.

From the sea, the scenery is breathtaking in its natural and wild beauty.

Just think: you will be facing one of the most exclusive islands in Italy: in 1924 it was bought by the dancer Leonide Massine, who had a villa, designed by Le Corbusier, built on the islet Gallo Lungo.

If you choose this itinerary for your boat tour on the Amalfi Coast, you can dive into the crystal-clear waters surrounding these three islands, where Ulysses even stopped on his return journey to Ithaca.

Finally, you can proceed to Punta Campanella, the extreme tip of the Sorrento Peninsula, which divides the Gulfs of Naples and Salerno and seems to lean naturally towards the sea of Capri.

Here you can bathe in one of the Mediterranean’s most suggestive marine protected areas.

We hope we have given you all the information you were looking for and wish you an unforgettable day at sea!